What We Do

Expo Source produces a series of regional Facilities Maintenance conventions annually, which offer a unique array of exhibits representing the latest in Tools, Machinery, Material Handling equipment, Scaffolding, Cleaning Products, Controls, Maintenance Products and more.

In a dynamic and exciting environment, buyers and sellers can come together to learn about new products, compare prices, and demonstrate goods and equipment. A comprehensive marketing program includes print advertising, radio and direct mail.

Expo Source owners and management are an experienced team of trade show professionals with a combined 50 years in trade show production.

The Facilities Maintenance Expo is a comprehensive trade show featuring the latest in Facilities Maintenance, products, services and equipment. The Facilities Maintenance Expo is a maintenance convention unlike any maintenance show you may have participated in before. Call today to reserve your space in these unique maintenance events.

Benefits of Participating in a Facilities Maintenance Expo

  • Facilities Maintenance Expos are regional in scope so visitors can easily drive to the event. No expensive and time-consuming air travel is required. Facilities Maintenance Expo goes where the consumers are.
  • Facilities Maintenance Expos take place in the months when facilities managers and building owners are available to attend shows.
  • Hundreds of “sales calls” can be made at a Facilities Maintenance Expo in just one day. Far more than can be made during a traditional sales call.
  • Facilities Maintenance Expos are well promoted. Direct mail, print advertising, outdoor advertising and radio are used to draw large numbers of qualified